Kia reorua a Aotearoa

  • Whakaako i te reo Māori mā runga ipurangi ki a Ngāi Māori ake tahi ki te tahi.
  • Mahia mai i te kāinga.
  • Kia rangona i te reo Māori ki te motu whānui.
  • Ko te reo te āpōpō.
  • E karangahia ana ngā kaiako me te hunga whaireo. Ka whakangungua ei. Me manawanui, manawaroa ki te pūtake o te tūranga.


Ahakoa kei hea, mahia mai i te Ipurangi

  • Haora whakangāwari;
  • Whiria ei tō ākonga;
  • Tukuna he whakangungunga, rauemi.



  • 25-minute lessons;
  • Online;
  • Full curriculum provided to teachers and students;
  • Training provided and paid;
  • Opportunities for professional development;
  • Work as little or much as you want; and
  • Manage your own schedule.



  • Teach all aspects of communication including but not limited to: grammar; pronunciation; vocabulary; delivery; register; & your knowledge of tikanga and te ao Māori.
  • Careful and attentive teaching of the curriculum, while providing rich feedback;
  • Writing up of a lesson record for each class in a timely manner and in accordance with standards and guidelines as set by Kōrero.Online;
  • Attend staff meetings (one paid 30-minute session per month);
  • Attend training workshops (one paid 30-minute sessions per month); and
  • Light class preparation.



  • You should be personable and friendly;
  • Available 20 hours per week at in-demand times;
  • Available to work before & after work and/or weekends; &
  • Decent typing & computer skills.


Me whakarite

  • Professional attire;
  • A computer with a good internet connection, a web camera and a headset; and
  • A well-lit, quiet, tidy place from which to teach.


Me he kīnaki

  • Knowledge and experience in any realm;
  • Degrees & qualifications; &
  • Teaching experience.